Marcel Sigel


Born in Australia, Marcel studied industrial design in Perth before moving to Melbourne in 2004 to set up the multidisciplinary ‘zuii’ design studio. The studio quickly gained recognition, winning various local and international commissions across lighting, object and furniture.

Following this success he received numerous awards including Wallpaper
magazines ‘Best Young Designer’.

In search of new horizons, Marcel received a residency grant from the Australian Council for the Arts, moving shortly to Milan to immerse himself into international design culture. In 2007 he moved to London where he worked with both Artek design studio, and until 2011 was Senior Designer at Tom Dixon.

Since 2013, after relocating back to Australia, Marcel began designing for gohome.


Marcel has since created some of gohome’s most iconic and successful furniture collections including the Plateau, Lunar, Tulipa and Grille Collections. These have been very well received by the design community and Australian public and appreciated in both commercial and residential environments.

"A chair system that's adaptable, comfortable & versatile. Something you can work in, chat in, relax in."

Marcel Sigel

Lunar Collection Designer