Our made to order products are crafted specifically for you, ensuring the highest quality and personalisation. When a product is not in stock, we begin production as soon as your order is confirmed. This process takes some time allowing us to create a piece that meets your exact specifications.
Enhance your purchase with our customisation options. From unique upholstery to custom tabletops, we offer a range of personalised choices to fit your needs. Contact us to discuss your custom requirements and get started.
实用系列延续了 gohome 品牌理念,同样强调形式和功能。
吧台凳可堆叠至 6 张,采用 60% 再生铝制框架和 U 形内部框架(可有效堆叠)。
FSC 认证美国橡木胶合板
多功能凳子的一大特色是其 3D 软边模制 FSC 认证美国橡木胶合板座椅和靠背,可提供卓越的舒适感。